
see the world with REFEX

  • Holland Cup 2025
     (19.04.2025 - 20.04.2025)

    Holland Cup is a perfect experience if you are looking for very good hospitality, fantastic and friendly people, refereeing in the middle of nature and if you want to meet lots of international teams. Same as in de scandinavian countries, you will meet lots of international teams (boys, girls and elite). After two years of pandemic, edition '22 was our first experience. We certainly do not regret our precense. Travel with us to Holland during Easter period, really.. don't hesitate! In 2022 we had two referees from Belgium, In 2023 we had 40 referees from 7 countries, in 2024 we had 63 referees from 9 countries, will we do better in 2025?!

    Around 300 teams from all of Europe: now that's an international competition. With the Holland Cup, it's clear to see that football really is a world sport. Whether you're from Scotland or Italy, whatever language you speak - everyone shares the same passion. So get involved in the new edition! You'll be warmly welcomed in Almere, close to Amsterdam. The international competition takes place across four beautiful sports parks around the centre of Almere. And if you want to blow off a little steam, you can visit the (nearby) Johan Cruijff Arena, the home grounds of Ajax or the famous centre of Amsterdam. It'll be a thrilling weekend in April ...

    Your journey can start on (Thursday - please have a look in optional program) Friday evening or Saturday morning. We advise all the people coming from outside of The Netherlands, to arrive on Friday afternoon (or Thursday). Dinner will be provided in the sleeping place. On Saturday morning you will get breakfast at the sleeping place. You will have a complete food supply at the game locations and in the evening there will be dinner provided at the accommodation. Same on Sunday, but very nice 'ending of the tournament dinner' will be provided at the game locations. In the referee school there will be a party to end the tournament. You can travel back home on Sunday evening (but we do not advise that) or Monday morning. On Friday evening we will have a mandatory meeting (online if you are still not in Almere) and on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening there is always time to have some drinks with your new referees friends. 

    2022, 2023 and 2024 editions were fantastic, we are very curious about the next one. Apply now for the next tournament and be sure to be there. Write to your friends and convince them to come along and experience fun times with us. To convince everyone, we provide an extra one. Jakub is really looking forward to welcoming as many colleagues as possible to Almere. If you register before May 1, 2024, he will provide you with a nice surprise!

    Location Almere (Amsterdam), Netherlands
    Date 19.04.2025 - 20.04.2025
    Arrival / Departure
    Deadline for applications 01.04.2025
    Classes U10 - U19
    Accomodation New referee school
    Food Supply Full board provided by the tournament - see description
    age limits 14+
    Payment Min 80 EUR for the two days
    Referee Vacancies 13/80
    Fees tournament fee: € 20.00
    annual fee: on your first participation in a REFEX-tournament in 2025 the annual fee € 18.00 is due.
    Payment of REFEX fees in advance! You'll get an invoice.
    extra program

    There will be a possibility to have more nights in Almere, but that has to be confirmed and will be done in the next months. Please don't book any flights before you know the conditions!

    Please note that this form is a pre-registration. The conditions can still be adjusted (to better). You will be informed of any changes during the year. The accommodation for the referees will change in 2025. We will be sleeping in a private Referee School. Detailed info will be published and distributed as soon as possible.

    REFEX-Contact Jakub Stefanski
    emailEmail to Jakub ...
    Applicationto apply, you have be registered with REFEX and you have to  
  • WM Soccer Nijlen 2025
     (01.05.2025 - 04.05.2025)

    Have you ever been to Flanders? A visit to Nijlen and the region is definitely worth a try. Nijlen is the beginning of the Flemish pearl - the 'Antwerpse Kempen' region. Besides being beautiful to visit, about 8-9 000 people are guests there during the first of May and the first weekend of May for the final weekend of a football tournament. A final long 'weekend' of Elite teams where you will undoubtedly be greatly surprised by the level. In any case... be welcome to register and taste the Flemish hospitality!

    For an entire football season, teams from all over Belgium play the preliminary round of this tournament. They start with competitions within their region and can then progress to provincial qualification and then eventually be allowed to participate in these three days. You can already imagine what this means. Some of the matches are very high quality matches. Everyone comes to win. You arrive on Wednesday (little chance to arrive on Friday for only two days of refereeing: please contact us after applying) and will be picked up at the airport if necessary. The tournament is played in a region that can be reached via many airports: Brussels Zaventem (Standard and lowcost) - Eindhoven (Lowcost) - Charleroi (Lowcost) and a few others. Your lodging will be located in the capital of our Flemish part of Belgium - Antwerp are. This offers countless possibilities outside of refereeing matches. An accommodation will be provided starting from Wednesdat afternoon till Monday morning. There will be a possibility to arrive earlier and/ or staying longer, but you'll have to pay for those nights by yourself. The competitions will be very challenging, but there will also be time for relaxation. You are received and treated like a king, but the tournament also requires top referees. Would you like to participate in this fantastic tournament? Do not hesitate and register as soon as possible! 

    You have to be prepared to lead matches of Elite teams. This means that you are familiar with refereeing in threes. It is allowed to use tools like buzzers or headsets. The tournament concerns a final day for Belgian teams, so these will be Dutch-speaking and French-speaking with some exceptions for German-speaking teams. Highly qualified referees are expected from us. We expect a very good knowledge of the English language. Speaking Dutch or French is a very big plus.

    Wednesday: arrival and check-in at accommodation (afternoon)
    Thursday: tournament day 1
    Friday: day off - group activities and sightseeing
    Saturday: tournament day 2
    Sunday: tournament day 3
    Monday: check-out

    Please let uw know if you cannot stay the full tournament but can only come for the weekend (Fr-Mo).

    Location Nijlen, Antwerp
    Date 01.05.2025 - 04.05.2025
    Arrival / Departure
    Deadline for applications 01.04.2025
    Classes U10 - U21: regional, state and national
    Accomodation Good accommodation
    Food Supply Full supply during the tournament. You'll be treated like a king
    age limits 14+
    Payment hotel accommodation during the tournament
    Referee Vacancies 9/30
    Fees tournament fee: € 25.00
    annual fee: on your first participation in a REFEX-tournament in 2025 the annual fee € 18.00 is due.
    Payment of REFEX fees in advance! You'll get an invoice.

    Belgian referees (Voetbal Vlaanderen - ACFF - RBFA) will get more information about their participation after we received their application. Belgische scheidsrechters (Voetbal Vlaanderen - ACFF - RBFA) krijgen meer informatie en voorwaarden over hun deelname nadat we hun aanvraag hebben ontvangen. Deze tellen niet mee in het aantal beschikbare plaatsen. Belgische scheidsrechters betalen geen tournament fee indien ze thuis slapen. Les arbitres belges (Voetbal Vlaanderen - ACFF - RBFA) recevront plus d'informations sur leur participation après réception de leur candidature. Ceux-ci ne comptent pas dans le nombre de places disponibles. Les arbitres belges ne paient pas de frais de tournoi s'ils dorment chez eux. Belgische Schiedsrichter (Voetbal Vlaanderen - ACFF - RBFA) erhalten weitere Informationen über ihre Teilnahme, nachdem wir ihre Bewerbung erhalten haben. Diese zählen nicht zu den verfügbaren Plätzen. Belgische Schiedsrichter zahlen keine Turniergebühr, wenn sie zu Hause schlafen.

    REFEX-Contact Jakub Stefanski
    emailEmail to Jakub ...
    Applicationto apply, you have be registered with REFEX and you have to  
  • Norhalne Cup 2025
     (29.05.2025 - 31.05.2025)

    Have you ever been at a 160 referee BBQ Party?

    Nørhalne Cup is the 3rd biggest tournament in Denmark with about 500 youth teams and more than 1800 games in elite classes and amateur classes. It's a good experience especially for younger referees who want to gain more experience and qualified feedback.


    A lot of games, a lot of fun and meeting new friends from all over the world.

    At Nørhalne Cup REFEX is responsible for all matters regarding the tournament referees as we are part of the official organization of Norhalne Cup. Norhalne Cup is our main partner and fully supports the referees and their job on the fields. We provide training and feedback to the main part of the tournament, the referee job. A staff of qualified observers is supporting the referees. The referee observers are well trained, experienced and qualified to support the referees in their development of their career and skills. We are looking for referees, who should be at least 16 years old at time of the tournament with a minimum 1 year of experience. One of the requirements could be replaced by a written recommendation from your local association. You will be accommodated in Nørhalne School, which is reserved only for referees - breakfast and dinner are served at the school - lunch (sandwiches) at the fields. You can expect challenging but fun days with referees from several countries all over the world. Due to the great characters of the referees, Norhalne Cup provides great fun as well! We will have referee groups and many individual referees. Referees who are part of a group should contact their leaders directly. Individual referees can apply by their own via our application process on the website.

    Location Norhalne
    Date 29.05.2025 - 31.05.2025
    Arrival / Departure
    Deadline for applications 01.05.2025
    Classes U9 to U17, Elite and Non-Elite
    Accomodation In school: sleeping bag, pillow and mattress required
    Food Supply full accommodation, breakfast & dinner in school,lunch (sandwiches) at the field
    age limits 16
    Payment min €9 per game, 11€ for 11er Elite, Observer: min €80 for all 3 days
    Referee Vacancies 160/160
    Observer Vacancies 12 / 12
    Fees tournament fee: € 0.00
    annual fee: on your first participation in a REFEX-tournament in 2025 the annual fee € 18.00 is due.
    Payment of REFEX fees in advance! You'll get an invoice.
    extra program

    Travel from Copenhagen: Referees from outside Denmark and Germany can travel to Copenhagen and can take a tournament bus from Copenhagen to Norhalne. This trip will be about 5 hours drive, so arrival in Copenhagen must be before lunch time. This service is only available Wednesday (from Copenhagen) and Sunday (to Copenhagen). If you would like to use this service, check the optional extra programme with Yes.

    For Danish referees only - Kun for danske dommere: Danske dommere afregnes via DBU Jylland i henhold til de til enhver tid gældende takster indgået mellem DFU og DBU. Nørhalne cup afregner dommere med fuldt dagsbeløb på kr. 500, hvis man overnatter i dommer kvarteret og i øvrigt er til fuld rådighed alle 3 kampdage. I henhold til enhver tid gældene aftaler mellem DBU og DFU vil betaling og modregning offentligøres når den aktuelt foreligger forelægger. Kampfordeling bliver foretaget af REFEX, som indberetter kampe, dømt af danske dommere til DBU Jylland, hvorfra jeres afregning vil ske. Der vil ikke kunne afregnes kørselsgodtgørelse til denne turnering, men vi er behjælpelige med transport fra Sjælland, samt Odense og Aarhus med vores egne busser. Skulle der ske ændringer i dommer honoraret vil diesse regler blive rettet til efter behovet. Ret til ændringer forbeholdes således.

    REFEX-Contact Oliver Dick
    emailEmail to Oliver ...
    Applicationto apply, you have be registered with REFEX and you have to  
  • Norway Cup 2025
     (27.07.2025 - 03.08.2025)

    Welcome to Norway Cup, the biggest youth tournament world wide. You'll meet teams and referees from all over the world. From arrival till departure you'll be able to referee games, make friends and have fun at Ekeberg area. Don't hesitate and make an application for this fantastic tournament and travel with us to Oslo to write your own fantastic memories for life! 

    Norway Cup takes place in Oslo (capital of Norway) and is the largest youth tournament in the world. Being at this tournament means you will see more than 2000 different teams and will be able to work with 500 fantastic referees and observers from around the globe. Arrival will be on Friday with one full day off. On Saturday we have our group activities and sightseeing. You can arrive on Saturday, but it has to be before 16h. In the afternoon the first meeting for all the referees will take place. You will sleep in the school and the tournament provides beds. You should bring your own sleeping bag with you. All the referees will have full board: breakfast, lunch and dinner (+ drinking coupons) in the school. On Saturday there is a Norway Cup opening festival. As well as the almost 40,000 participating players, referees, spectators, and everyone from around Oslo is welcome.

    The main location is the Ekebergsletta, where you can find more than 40 pitches, the stadium, tournament shops, a free washing service (if provided by one of the sponsors) and even a fair with carousel. The actual tournament starts on Sunday. Until Thursday you should expect to referee around 4-6 games a day. You have the possibility of volunteering for extra games at the referee office. Match fees for referees range from 150 NOK to 80 NOK per game. Observers will receive 90 NOK per game. All referees have to be used to acting as main referee and assistant. Starting from Thursday, the number of games decreases, because the knockout phase will start. On Friday the quarterfinals will be played and on Saturday the finals and the 3rd place matches. You have to check-out from the school on Sunday morning after breakfast. As referee and observer, you will receive a bracelet which gives you free access to public transportation (buses, trams, trains, boats) and free entry to museums and cultural places (including swimming pools) in and around Oslo. We highly recommend this tournament. The slogan: ‘Create your own memories for life’ is really not a lie. Don’t hesitate, just join us at this wonderful tournament and bring with us the world together in sports!

    Location Oslo
    Date 27.07.2025 - 03.08.2025
    Arrival / Departure
    Deadline for applications 01.06.2025
    Classes U13 to U19, Elite and Non-Elite
    Accomodation Room of a school
    Food Supply Breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinking coupons
    age limits 15
    Payment min. 80NOK - 150NOK / game (2024)
    Referee Vacancies 8/80
    Observer Vacancies 5 / 10
    Fees tournament fee: € 25.00
    annual fee: on your first participation in a REFEX-tournament in 2025 the annual fee € 18.00 is due.
    Payment of REFEX fees in advance! You'll get an invoice.
    REFEX-Contact Jakub Stefanski
    emailEmail to Jakub ...
    Applicationto apply, you have be registered with REFEX and you have to  
  • Vildbjerg Cup 2025
     (31.07.2025 - 03.08.2025)

    Our 2nd time on this nice summer tournament in the middle of Denmark with great vacation time and good games with fun!

    This will be the 45th edition of the Vildbjerg Cup, which is one of the biggest tournaments in Europe.

    Games will be played on about 40 natural grass fields in Vildbjerg.  About 2000 games will be played within the 4 days of the tournament. 

    Vildbjerg is located in Jylland, near the ctiy of Herning.

    The tournament has a very good setup and provides good accommodation and payment.  You will be hosted well and the normal position is that you will be sleeping in a school, so you would need to bring a sleeping bag and air bed.  If you would like to use the camping option, please choose the extra programme below. 

    You will receive a wrist band for dining in the sports hall. 

    Game fees, non Danish referees (fees for 2024 - can be upgraded for next edition): 
    2x10 min = 8 Euro
    2x15 min = 10 Euro
    2x20 min = 12 Euro
    2x25 min = 15 Euro
    The tournament will directly pay the referees at the end of the tournament. 

    The current plan is that you will be doing 4 games a day but this is subject to change and may be more or fewer games. 

    Danish Referees will be paid according to DBU agreement:
    For Danish referees only - Kun for danske dommere: Danske dommere afregnes via DBU Jylland i henhold til de til enhver tid gældende takster indgået mellem DFU og DBU.  I henhold til enhver tid gældene aftaler mellem DBU og DFU vil betaling og modregning offentligøres når den aktuelt foreligger forelægger. Kampfordeling bliver foretaget af DBU Jylland, som indberetter kampe, dømt af danske dommere til DBU Jylland, hvorfra jeres afregning vil ske.

    Location Vildbjerg,
    Date 31.07.2025 - 03.08.2025
    Arrival / Departure
    Deadline for applications 01.07.2025
    Classes Boys U9 - U17 Girls U9 - U19
    Accomodation School (or Camping option)
    Food Supply Full meal supply
    age limits 16-60
    Payment 8 to 15 Euro per game
    Referee Vacancies 20/20
    Observer Vacancies 1 / 1
    Fees tournament fee: € 20.00
    annual fee: on your first participation in a REFEX-tournament in 2025 the annual fee € 18.00 is due.
    Payment of REFEX fees in advance! You'll get an invoice.
    extra program

    The standard accommodation is planned to be in a school, where you would need to bring your own sleeping bag and airbed.  
    If you want to use the camping area with a tent or caravan, you have to accept this special programme.  The tournament provide tents for your accommodation. 
    If you check the extra programm we will ask for a tent for your accommodation. 
    Please reach out to Stig for further information if needed.

    REFEX-Contact Stig Grander
    emailEmail to Stig ...
    Applicationto apply, you have be registered with REFEX and you have to  
  • Sandarcupen 2025
     (09.08.2025 - 10.08.2025)

    Have you ever been to beautiful Norway, the pearl of the North? Sandarcupen is a perfect plan if you want to combine a trip with a trip in Norway and want to be part of a well-organized tournament where you will be well received. An ideal combination if you want to participate in the Norway Cup and then have a few days of rest (and possibly visit - travel) and then do some games on the Sandarcupen.

    This tournament is being played in the south of Norway, about 120 km south of Oslo and being held the weekend after Norway Cup. Edition 2023 was the first time we worked together with this tournament and it was a great success. No less than 100 referees played matches throughout the weekend at this tournament. And this without any problems. The participants of REFEX want to be there again in 2025. That says enough we think?

    Do you want to do two tournaments? That's certainly possible. Participate in the Norway Cup ending on Sunday August 3, then a few days off (free to fill in) and the Sandarcupen? That's perfectly possible. It also gives you the chance to see something in Norway and do some traveling. Don't hesitate... Sandarcupen is a very well organized tournament where hospitality is important. Apply now!


    New payment ruling for 2025:

    All referees will be paid for their games according to the level of the game (100-160NOK/ game) + 1000 NOK food expenses + 1500 NOK travel costs will be covered.

    Location Sandefjord
    Date 09.08.2025 - 10.08.2025
    Arrival / Departure
    Deadline for applications 01.07.2025
    Classes Boys - Girls U14 - U19
    Accomodation School
    Food Supply Snacks at tournament + food fee
    age limits 16-65
    Payment min 100 - 160NOK/ game + food supply + travel expenses (more info in infoletter)
    Referee Vacancies 30/30
    Observer Vacancies 0 / 1
    Fees tournament fee: € 20.00
    annual fee: on your first participation in a REFEX-tournament in 2025 the annual fee € 18.00 is due.
    Payment of REFEX fees in advance! You'll get an invoice.

    The referees must travel to Sandefjord themselves. For your travel to the tournament (full journey) a compensation of 1000NOK will be paid (that compensates for the train from Oslo and back and part of your possible flight ticket). During the tournament you sleep in a school with other referees and you have to provide your own sleeping gear.

    REFEX-Contact Jakub Stefanski
    emailEmail to Jakub ...
    Applicationto apply, you have be registered with REFEX and you have to  

for pictures and reports of past tournaments see our

archive tournament archive archive